Increase Your Annual Income 60% to 80%
Reduce Your Taxes by Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars
Take Market Risk Off The Table
Section 7702
Just a few pages back from Section 401k. Sound familiar?
The IRS does not want you to know about Section 7702 because it benefits you more than the IRS. This tax law states that any income derived from a Section 7702 plan is tax-free. Since tax rates are going to go back up, it's vital that a portion of your retirement be immune from future tax changes.
How is Section 7702 different from a Roth?
No income limitations
No contribution limitations
No market risk
401k vs TFRA Income
Do you know how much income your 401k or IRA is going to produce in retirement? We can show you. More precisely, we can show you how much income you will end up with after taxes and fees from your 401k or IRA. It may not be as much as you were hoping.
This report will then show you want the same money you are currently saving can do inside a TFRA. Often times the income is 60% to 80% more per year.
Thanks to your income being tax-free and having lower fees, that means more money for you which will allow you to maintain the standard of living you desire in retirement.
Another reason the income is higher: you can never lose a dime of your money due to a market decline.
Tax Burden Analysis
Do you know how much in taxes your 401k or IRA is going to cost you? We can show you that, too. You will be shocked, to put it kindly.
Our Tax Burden Analysis will show you what your tax bill will be in retirement.
The bad news is that if you have chosen to save any money in a 401k or IRA, you will have to pay taxes at some point.
The good news is that you can avoid paying any optional taxes if you plan properly. A TFRA will allow you to pay the least amount of taxes possible. Some people can go ahead and convert their 401k or IRA to a TFRA to stop their growing tax problems.
If you are looking for a better place to save your money today then you may want to consider a TFRA so you can stop compounding your future tax problem.