"The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."

Don Meyer

Don Meyer
Co-Founder, President & Investment Advisor Representative
Don started Both Hands FG, with his partner Cory, to achieve one goal; helping people. Don has been helping people for over two decades.
Don has helped thousands of people make sense of Medicare and understand the impact that it can have on retirement. He is also one of the most sought-after Medicare trainers and travels around the country showing other agencies what we do here at Both Hands FG.
One of Don's most favorite things to do is help people with their investments. Don's investments clients benefit from tactical money management. Something that used to only be available to large institutions and now is available to his clients. Don's clients can rest assured that their money is being watched five days a week, eight hours a day.
If you need help making sense of Medicare, finding the right life insurance, establishing an extended health care plan, or having someone whose job it is to watch your money, contact Don.
615.347.1752 | d.meyer@BothHandsFG.com

Cory Carlton

Cory Carlton
Co-Founder, CEO & Investment Advisor Representative
Cory started Both Hands FG, with his partner Don, to achieve one goal; helping people.
Cory and the team at BHFG have helped thousands of people across the country.
He specializes in serving those who seek guidance and a plan to achieve their financial and retirement goals.
Clients receive a customized plan that is...
- simple to understand
- flexible for when life changes
- minimizes risk and maximizes returns
There is not just one way to plan for the future and Cory uses both insurance and investment products to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients.
615.975.8677 | c.carlton@BothHandsFG.com

Suzanne Johnson
Suzanne Johnson
Client Champion
864.706.0619 | s.johnson@BothHandsFG.com
I live in Spartanburg County, SC. I grew up, attended school, and worship here still. I feel I’ve been blessed with the gift of “Helping others.”
After 15 years in the Banking Industry, I didn’t feel that I was helping enough. An opportunity came my way to work with a company that wanted to” help those that most companies didn’t want to help or those that needed a little more assistance”. I had no idea that it was an insurance company until I interviewed with them and knew I’d found my calling. They did teach me to take care of the client’s needs FIRST. I worked 5 years as a captive agent with them but only had one product. When my dad needed a product that I didn’t offer I left to become an independent agent. Now I can serve the needs of so many more people, including those in my own family.
My mom has several health needs that I witnessed and learned to attend to as a child. Eventually, 5 years ago, these illnesses caused her to need full-time care in a Nursing Facility. Having not planned for long-term care, mom had to go on Medicaid to stay in this facility, and we didn’t have many options as to which one she could go to. Currently, I have the responsibility of making sure ALL her needs are met but by someone else.
My father was a healthy man until cancer struck. His needs were different from my mother's, but still needed to be met by insurance. I saw first-hand how dad’s Medicare Supplement plan took care of more than Medicare and that he didn’t leave any burden to my Stepmom when he passed.
Having grown up in a small Textile Mill town, I learned the importance of hard work and trusting my neighbors. I feel I have a responsibility to give back to the ones that taught me so much. I’ve learned to attend to the Emotional, Financial and Spiritual needs of others.
I see daily the needs of those I help. I learn from you and I use what I learn to help the next person.
I joined Both Hands in July 2016. I know that my leaders are looking to assist me with the knowledge and tools I need to service ALL my clients completely; from Birth to Death. We offer more than Insurance products to our clients. You get our undivided attention to your current needs and what you may need later down the road. We are your neighbors and advocates. I can assist you with your needs at every stage of your life.

Suzanne Page

Suzanne Page
864.415.0464 | s.page@BothHandsFG.com
Client Champion
I get up every day to make a difference in at least one person's life. I pray before I put my feet on the floor that where ever my day may land, I did something that made a difference.
When I lay my head down on my pillow, I always think back on my day and it is so affirming to me to see that God can use me in places I would have never imagined.
Initially, I got into this industry because I saw a need especially for people who are clueless about the insurance industry. Personally, my life was affected positively because of life insurance.
My husband and child were killed in an accident when I was 32 years old and if weren't for life insurance, my life would have been so much different. I would not have been able to stay at home with my other two young children and nurture and love them in spite of the loss that they both experienced.
I was so thankful that my husband had the forethought to provide for us for what was the most life changing experience one could imagine. Later in life, I experienced helping my husband's elderly aunt with her nursing home and Medicare needs.
Throughout this experience, it taught me how important it was for the senior adult population to have someone whom they can trust. I learned by experience and decided after she passed that I could do this for others.
Both Hands provides for me a safe place where I know I can get the support I need for answers and training to make me the most informed insurance advisor as possible.
They have assembled a wonderful group of agents and trained advisors who can assist me at a moment's notice and have the integrity to ALWAYS advise to do what is best for the client and not necessarily for the agencies bottom line.
I respect that.
The products available to my clients have been recommended and tested by agents in the field who understand what is best to service the needs of my clients.
In this industry, I have come to understand this is not a one size fits all industry. I thoroughly enjoy "shopping" to meet their needs. I have a large portfolio of companies that have been tested and proved and it gives me a sense of pride when I make a match where the client is satisfied with their choices each year.
I enjoy meeting with them to do our reviews and hear their feedback both good and bad. It makes me a better agent to continue to learn from my clients.
By being a part of an agency like Both Hands Financial Group we are also able to offer investment services through tactically managed money. All of my clients have access to our investment advisor representatives to evaluate their retirement and investments.
My goal for myself is always be available to my clients. I want them to feel secure in knowing that I am here to help them and assist them.
Healthcare is very important but so is trust. I want them to know that I will do everything possible to assist them and provide as much assistance as I am legally allowed.
I may not always make the right decisions, but I will always do my best to make it right when I don't.

Lynn Richardson
Client Champion - OH
740.405.6631| l.richardson@BothHandsFG.com

Jenny Richardson
Jenny Richardson
Client Champion - OH
216.287.8480 | jenny@BothHandsFG.com

Matt Vysoky
Matthew G. Vysoky
Investment Advisor Representative
Matthew G. Vysoky was born and raised in Fairview Park, OH. After financing his own way through private high school, he completed his undergraduate studies at Kent State University where he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Rhetoric & Communications.
He currently resides in Franklin, TN with his wife, Annie, and their three children. He became a licensed insurance agent in 2004 and an Investment Advisor Representative in 2015.
Because of his work ethic and top customer service, Matt has earned this as a multiple-year Agent of the Year award. He currently works with his personal clients as well as field training new agents in the business.
"I believe my greatest asset is my ability to listen attentively, analyze situations, and provide accurate solutions for my clients. My years of experience in counseling people in their homes has taught me when it comes to insurance and investing needs, one size does not fit all. I am committed to custom-fitting a plan that best meets your needs. My hope is that your satisfaction will lead me to help your friends and family as well."
615.497.1327 | m.vysoky@BothHandsFG.com

David Farmer
David Farmer
Client Champion -VA
434.210.1999 | d.farmer@BothHandsFG.com

Susan Pruitt
Susan Pruitt
Client Champion
615.476.6105 | s.pruitt@BothHandsFG.com | schedule a call with Susan
My name is Susan Pruitt. I am a native Nashvillian and attended Belmont University, but I have lived in Murfreesboro for more than 20 years now. I am married to Ken, and we have four adult children and are enjoying our new role as grandparents. One of our sons, Kenneth, has cerebral palsy and lives with us at home. He is fun-loving and keeps us on our toes. I cannot imagine how boring life would be without his antics.
I volunteer with a prison ministry and regularly go to the Debra Johnson Rehabilitation Center. Serving these women has been a great blessing for me. Currently, I volunteer with my church and love serving others in my community. When I’m not working, I enjoy cooking, crocheting, and playing with my grandchildren!
I have worked in the insurance industry for over 20 years. I began providing insurance services to companies that cover homes and businesses, but after leading a financial fitness class at my church, I decided that I wanted a career that helps people through teaching. I love nothing more than to help someone understand a complicated subject or help a client meet the needs that are important to them. One of the reasons I do what I do is because of the people I meet. Often, I meet with clients who believe their goals are out of reach or they feel they have failed to plan for their best future. It’s never too late! I enjoy digging in and finding solutions that meet their unique needs. When I see the expression on a client’s face turn from worry to peace it is quite a reward for me and this is why I have dedicated my career to counseling with families, which is why I work with Both Hands Financial Group.

Jason Crooks
Jason Crooks
Client Champion - Midwest & Tennessee
Jason has helped thousands of families with their life, health, Medicare, long-term care, and annuity needs since 2005.
One of Jason’s specialties is making Medicare easy to understand.
Because of his vast experience and years of training, he is great at analyzing each individual's personal situation and tailoring solutions to their needs, especially when it comes to life insurance.
He coaches high school football and wrestling and is active in his church.
He helps clients all over the Midwest and in TN.
615.613.6115 | j.crooks@BothHandsFG.com

Ron Edmunds
Ron Edmunds
Client Champion - Central Virginia
804.439.1586| k.edmunds@BothHandsFG.com

Trofim Meyer
Trofim Meyer
Client Champion -TN
615.686.8170 | t.meyer@BothHandsFG.com

Alisha McFarland
Alisha McFarland
Client Champion - TN
Alisha has her B.S. degree in Social work with an emphasis on the Elderly & Disabled Populations. She started in Mental Health and then moved on to her passion for working with the Elderly & Disabled Populations, managing her client's care in their homes. Something she loved doing.
After having her second child, it was then that her family decided it was best for her grandmother to move in with her parents, due to her dementia worsening. With the high cost of childcare, and her grandmother needing her, it was decided that she would take care of her grandmother. It wasn't always easy, but she knew it was where God wanted her to be at that time. Alisha and her kids were able to spend 3 and a half years serving her grandmother, giving her the best care she knew how; by loving her through her memory loss.
It is wonderful being a full-time mother but after a while, Alisha was missing her passion, working with the Elderly & Disabled Populations. An opportunity was handed to her by getting her insurance license and allowing her once again to work for the Elderly & Disabled (Aging) Populations by being a Medicare Broker. When someone turns 65, or they have been considered disabled for 2 years, they have to decide which Medicare plan(s) is best for them. It can be overwhelming to most people because it is a bit confusing and the government makes changes every year to each plan. This is where Alisha can help. Don't waste energy stressing over what to do, let her sit down with you so she can explain to you some different plans, so you then can decide what is the best option for you.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to her with any questions you may have. Also, if you hear of anyone that she can help, please give them her information!
a.mcfarland@BothHandsFG.com | 615-948-7473