Oct 1, 2020 Get the standard of living you want in retirement in 3 steps People are looking for a certain standard of living in retirement and the way most people are saving will make it difficult to achieve their goal. These three simple steps can change that. Read More
Sep 2, 2020 3 ways to save with Medicare Open Enrollment coming up The Medicare Open Enrollment season is just around the corner and that means that you could save money in 2021 if you follow these three tips. Read More
Aug 3, 2020 How Roth IRAs are Beneficial During COVID & Why You Should Consider Them During these trying times, it may be a good idea to revisiting your retirement strategy and consider why a Roth IRA may be worth exploring. You can get access to your money without worrying about taxes or penalites. Read More
Jun 2, 2020 Two plans you may want in addition to your Medicare Advantage plan Medicare does not pay for everything so you need to make sure that you add the right plans that will cover any large and unexpected medical bills. It's easy to protect yourself from a hospital or long term care bill. Read More
May 1, 2020 Retirement technology has changed. Should you? If saving for retirement were like using a cell phone, would you want your retirement to be a flip phone or a smartphone? Times have changed but often people don't change the way they save for retirement, and they should. Read More
Apr 1, 2020 Five things you'll pay for under Medicare Most people don't understand what Medicare does and does not pay for. You need to make sure you know what bills you will be responsible for depending on the Medicare coverage you choose. Read More